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The Happy Bibliophile

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The Prince: A Selection Novella

The Prince - Kiera Cass Team Maxon. Indeed I am, but while reading this novella about our beloved prince, I've undergone two stages/phases/types of reaction. First: "It's fuckin' Maxon!! More Maxon! I love Maxon! I am so happy, I think I'm gonna die!!" *fangirl mode activated* And then, as I read the next 50 pages or so..Alright. What happened here?!I did not feel any kind of "tingling, swooning, fanning-myself, intense emotions" type of feelings. HELLO?? I fraggin' love Prince Maxon. He is royal, handsome and totally generous. But this novella made him awfully naive and boring. I can't help but feel that he is this shallowguy who is constantly TOO WORRIED with his crown and the girls laid out for him. I did not see the determination and strong personality I amhoping he possess. I am also quite disappointed that there aren't any thrill with this Daphne character. Damn. And here I am shipping MaxEmerica but hoping to discover that something forbidden and sexy came between Maxon and the French princess. On the upside, I like the way Maxon is honest with his feelings when he met the girls AND America. I like that he found her extremely pretty. :)I can't wait for [b:The Elite|16248068|The Elite (The Selection, #2)|Kiera Cass|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1365982996s/16248068.jpg|20397129]. :) 3.5 stars.