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The Happy Bibliophile

Books. Books. And more Books. <3

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Kendare Blake
The 5th Wave
Rick Yancey
If I Stay - Evan Reeves "If there is one thing that I would ever hope to leave you with, it's the understanding that lovedoesn't have to last to matter." Oh My Gosh. Such a good read! I enjoyed reading this one, particularly because it is another "taboo" bookinvolving a student-teacher relationship but, and I totally mean BUT, if you are looking for a sexy steamy read on a cold night like the book cover quite suggests, then this is not for you. It was sweet but there are no real hardcore lovin'. Sorry folks.Anyway, let's get back to our lovely characters. I think I fell in love with Professor Benjamin Hugo Lawson. I want him for my birthday and for Christmas. For at least three succeeding years. Why?1.) He is good-looking. Kinda reminds us of Dr.Who.2.) He is a goddamn writer. And a hot teacher. And a poet.Okay, Okay, he's basically perfect. "He's like Edward Cullen. Minus the stalker vibe and creepy eyes and the whole thing about sparkling in the sun." Gemma Davies is a 50/50 character for me. 50% strong and independent while 50% whiny and meek. She suffered from a bad breakup and she doesn't want to give all of her heart yet again to another man. After being dragged literally by Brandon toa bar one night, she met Ben. The downside? INSTALUST. The exciting part? She found out he's the Creative Writing prof. Brandon is the best-est best gay friend ever. He is funny, weird, wise and loyal. I enjoyed reading his dialogues and banter with another member of the friendship triumvirate, Sacha. While B is loud and wild, Sacha is more on the shy, smart and artistic side. He may form the triumvirate, but he also wants to form another with Professor Ben and Gemma.The first few chapters were slooooww .. I am itching for something totally interesting to happen since this novel issans the sexy time. (Nah, I got my wish on the last few pages, I almost yelled: PLOT TWIST! or FINALLY.)I think this is more of Gemma's journey on forgiving mistakes that are not her fault and thinking of her future. She exhibitedfeelings of uncertainty and confusion most of the time. I'm glad that this one has HEA or else.. Terrible cliffy, though.