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The Happy Bibliophile

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Existence (Existence Trilogy, #1)

Existence (Existence Trilogy, #1) - Abbi Glines I have read this one way back September 2012.I am a big fan of books that revolves around the character of Death. or Hades. Or the Underworld. Or any hot reaper. I can't explain where this obssession is coming from but all I know is that, a hot guy from hell sure has my interest anytime of the day. HAHA!In Existence, Death comes in the form of Dank. A high school rockstar and so drop-dead gorgeous. He began stalking Pagan Moore, a girl who can see souls. The dead doesn't speak with her, but one day, a hot one talked back to her. She did not know that it was Death speaking to her. Dank took a liking on her and refused to take her soul when her number was up. Of course, like most paranormal YA novels, there will be the most famous "love triangle" and I am a bit envious of Pagan here. Imagine having two hot guys fighting over her. And both were capable enough. Too DARK if you ask me. But, regardless.Back to my review, this is a good read and Abbi Glines is an amazing author. It has the right amounts of swoon, suspense and concept. I love it. :) 4.7 out of 5 stars.