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The Happy Bibliophile

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Point of Retreat (Slammed, #2)

Point of Retreat (Slammed, #2) - Colleen Hoover This is 'butterflying' AMAZING. And.. quite frustrating. At first.Am I wrong when I thought that Will and Lake are finally together-together. But, I guess that's what makes it beautiful. [a:Colleen Hoover|5430144|Colleen Hoover|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1333056335p2/5430144.jpg] is a genius. The story is very natural and realistic. Anyone can relate to Will and Lake's rocky part of relationship. It is impossible not to fall in love with them with every turn of the page. They grew more mature and handled life's problems wonderfully.However, as we are all aware, happily-ever-after doesn't come with certain drawbacks and trials.Aauggh. Will's ex-girlfriend is a pain-in-the-ass! I can't help being too emotional when it comes to occasional Bs getting in the way.I love the story coming from Will's point of view. It is funnier and sickly sweet at the same time. I have to give it to him and encourage anyone to give him a standing ovation. He is so IMPERFECTLY PERFECT. The slam he did to gain Lake's forgiveness gave tears to my eyes. (a bit).And of course. THE GREAT ANTICIPATION. I can't help laughing out loud on certain parts. Especially the ones wherein Will is too absorbed with the anticipation of their "weekend together". It is frustrating! It keeps on "not-happening".Will's grandparents and a new neighbor, Sherry and Kiersten also entered the picture. They are so likable and made the storyline more interesting.The unexpected twist is heartbreaking for a while. I thought Lake wouldn't make it and I kept thinking, "Oh God. Why??" There are enough stress for them to last a lifetime.Overall, I love it. It is definitely included on my list of favorite books. It is very instructive and reaches out to touch the heart of anyone who wills to read it. And I am definitely recommending it. Standing Ovation.XOXOs. Perfect 5 stars.