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The Happy Bibliophile

Books. Books. And more Books. <3

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Kendare Blake
The 5th Wave
Rick Yancey

Slammed (Slammed, #1)

Slammed (Slammed, #1) - Colleen Hoover I.AM.SPEECHLESS. Okay. Not really. But, WOW. Colleen Hoover is a GENIUS. This is amazing. beautiful. poignant. angsty. inspiring. sad. enthralling. funny. swoon-worthy.I only have good praises for Slammed. I literally can't put this book down or stop thinking about it. It's such an awesome read. It is definitely one of the best Contemporary novels I've ever read. I love the way it deals with the very foundation of our humanity and that is LIFE. I also like how ironic it is to be enthralled in a story that is tragic and swoon worthy at the same time. The characters are ALL amazing and have their own personalities- a definite fresh air from the usual cliched people. Lake is funny and cute. I like how she tells the story and how she is so stubborn. Her angst formed from a lot of loss she had lately, which makes her more natural.Will Cooper is my official book boyfriend as of today. He is too sexy and too sweet. I like the way he deals with Lake because it makes the story more engaging. I feel frustrated every time it comes to a point that I think they will have their moment, and then they it would break into a fight.I can't help but wish that there should be a lot more Will Cooper-like guys. Now, for the good part. I know that it is sooooo wrong in all places, time and situation, but I can't help but think that the student-teacher relationship in here is too steamy for its own good. It makes me anxious and excited to know what will happen next. It kinda reminds me of Pretty Little Liars' Ezra and Aria. Every turn of the page is breath-taking. I know I have to finish it or else I will combust. HAHA!I am nearly striking midnight but I just have to. And it is worth it! The ending is sad but it also feels like the beginning of something more for Lake and Will and their family. BEAUTIFUL.