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The Happy Bibliophile

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The Archived

The Archived - Victoria Schwab *** Originally posted on www.happybibliophile.blogspot.com *** "Imagine a file of your entire life, of every moment, every experience. Imagine the data is kept in a body."Good Greatness. This is a good read! I can't stop myself from reading it and to hell with my other chores, be it the office or home. I love it!Mackenzie Bishop is young but she is a very strong character. She is unlike most female heroine/protagonist. She stands firm with her wants and one of them is becoming a Keeper. Just like Da, her grandfather. Well, he used to be one. Da doesn't want to pass on his magnificent job to his son, but chose an eleven year old, Mac. Imagine? An eleven year old, dealing with Histories. (And believe me, they aren't ghosts, either)I think it's kickass!Victoria Schwab imagined a different world from the usual paranormal themes and settings we've read. First, the dimensions- or whatever the places are called. The Outer (the mundane world), the Narrows (nightmarish alleys) and the Archive (library of the dead). You can get through them if you just have the right key. (*wink*wink).Then, we also have the hierarchy of careers available. The Keeper (keeps the Histories from going astray), The Crews (a duo of Keepers, kinda reminds me of Shadowhunters' Parabatai) and the highest, Librarian (keeps tab of the Archive shelves of dead). I think it's pretty cool to think up of something as this. Once again, our imagination will run wild and get ourselves thinking "What if I am a bad-ass Keeper during the night. I hope the pay is good." HAHA!My copy, which was graciously provided and approved by NetGalley is only a short "sneak preview" of the novel. But, I am ever grateful because I get to be included with the lucky ones who will review it for the whole world of biblios. :D I am also quite restless because I can't wait for it to be published and stacked on the shelves!I highly recommend this book for you biblios out there. It's an awesome read! I can't wait.XOXOs.