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The Happy Bibliophile

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Kendare Blake
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Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1)

Angelfall  - Susan Ee If you're looking and expecting an Angel story that looks like this: Boy, Angelfall is not the novel for you. Because this novel goes a lot more like this:Yeah. I love this book, from the beginning sentence until the very last punctuation mark. This is very engaging, I cannot put it down!The first part wherein the bully angels are dealing with another new-found boyfriend of mine, Raffe. My eyes grew round and I like that these angels are depicted in a new light. It's not most Angel novels that are too sickly sweet. Penryn Young is a survivor. She help Raffe and nursed him back to health, for many reasons. Like the wherabouts of the angels who almost killed him and kidnapped her sister, Paige. I think she's got a very strong personality and she's a natural. Raffe, is likeable despite his mysterious and sharp-tongue remarks to Penryn. I am also intrigued with Penryn's mother. I wonder if she's just naturally loony or something paranormal happened to her. The angels in here are a lot like the half-angels of Sweet Evil because they love the partying, the women and the booze. I love that for the first time, I read about Nephilims depicted in their true nature. Monsters. And the creepy lab scene? I think I'm gonna hurl.The ending is a total CLIFFHANGER.When is the next book coming out???? Perfect 5 stars.